Amplified steady state bifurcations in feedforward networks


We investigate bifurcations in feedforward coupled cell networks. Feedforward structure (the absence of feedback) can be defined by a partial order on the cells. We use this property to study generic one-parameter steady state bifurcations for such networks. Branching solutions and their asymptotics are described in terms of Taylor coefficients of the internal dynamics. They can be determined via an algorithm that only exploits the network structure. Similar to previous results on feedforward chains, we observe amplifications of the growth rates of steady state branches induced by the feedforward structure. However, contrary to these earlier results, as the interaction scenarios can be more complicated in general feedforward networks, different branching patterns and different amplifications can occur for different regions in the space of Taylor coefficients.

Nonlinearity 35.4, pp. 2073–2120
Sören von der Gracht
Sören von der Gracht
PostDoc in Dynamical Systems

Research in network dynamical systems and its applications.